Why Choose Us

Vet offices are busy and full of unfamiliar sounds and smells. By the time they are packed into the car and arrive at the clinic for their appointment, our pets are already experiencing high levels of stress. In-home visits are guaranteed to be more comfortable and less stressful.

Getting our pets to the vet can be a hassle. In- home visits & telemedicine consultations eliminate scheduling conflicts, planning and travel time, sitting in a waiting room, or having to make multiple trips with multiple pets. We are happy to call in prescriptions and in many cases, deliver them directly to you.

Veterinary hospitals are often very busy and appointments can feel rushed. Concierge medicine allows us to spend more time with you and your pets and provide them with tailored treatment plans. We pride ourselves in practicing gold standard medicine.

It always seems like something is coming up with our pets when we least expect it. It can be difficult to know what is a true emergency and what can wait. Whether your pet has eaten something it shouldn’t, cut itself on a walk, or just isn’t acting like its normal self, having direct access to your veterinarian to help guide you is priceless.